A framework of environmental mitigation for the convention and exhibition centers in the China greater Bay area

Wilco W. H. Chan, Barry Mak, Derrick C. H. Lee, Carol Zhang

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    The numerous participants in convention and exhibition (C&E) events and the consequently huge consumption of direct and indirect resources have increased the environmental pressure on C&E centers to implement environmentally friendly practices and procedures. This paper explores the innovative methods adopted by green-certified C&E centers and synthesizes a reference framework of environmental mitigation practices for the C&E sector in the Greater Bay Area, which was recently designated as a major regional development area in China. Eleven green-certified C&E centers were selected to establish a comprehensive and indicative framework containing 59 actual environmental practices in three major categories. Suggestions made by 12 experts for modifying the fit of the constructed framework to suit the local geographical and climatic situations of C&E centers in the China Greater Bay Area were examined.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages20
    JournalJournal of Convention and Event Tourism
    Early online date12 Jan 2019
    Publication statusEarly online - 12 Jan 2019


    • China greater bay area
    • convention and exhibition
    • environmental initiatives
    • corporate social responsibility
    • environmental mitigation
    • reference framework


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