A heuristic for the skiving and cutting stock problem in paper and plastic film industries: skiving and cutting stock

Chen Yan, Xiang Song, Djamila Ouelhadj, Yaodong Cui

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This paper investigates the skiving and cutting stock problem (SCSP) encountered in the paper and plastic film industries, in which a set of non-standard reels generated from previous cutting processes are used to produce finished rolls through the skiving and cutting process. First, reels are skived together length-wise to form a reel-pyramid (a polygon) and then, the reel-pyramid is cut into finished rolls of small widths. Depending on if a reel can be divided length-wise into sub-reels to form the reel-pyramid, the problem can be classified into divisible SCSP (DSCSP) and indivisible SCSP (ISCSP). In this paper, two integer programming (IP) models are proposed for DSCSP and ISCSP respectively. A sequential value correction procedure combined with the two IP models (SVCTIP) is developed to solve the two SCSPs. The effectiveness of the SVCTIP is demonstrated though extensive computational tests.
Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Transactions in Operational Research
Early online date9 Feb 2017
Publication statusEarly online - 9 Feb 2017


  • Skiving and cutting stock
  • Cutting problems
  • Reel cutting
  • Combinatorial optimization


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