A portfolio approach for the selection and the timing of urban planning projects

Michele Sarnataro, Maria Barbati, Salvatore Greco

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    This paper presents a model to support organizations dealing with urban planning decisions. In particular, we deal with the selection and the timing of several projects that can be realised within an urban development project with the aim of optimizing conflicting objectives. The available resources should be allocated in an acceptable way and current and future requirements must be met. In addition, projects can be characterized by qualitative performances and different scenarios can be considered.

    The model can be handled with different methods. Given its participatory features, it seems that an interactive multiobjective optimization methodology is the most appropriate approach, since the Decision Maker can express his opinion throughout the resolution process.

    We present how the model can work through the description of an application based on the execution of the Master Plan of the University of Portsmouth, one of the most fast progressing University in UK. We show the versatility of the model and how it can successfully handle such complex decisions.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number100908
    JournalSocio-Economic Planning Sciences
    Early online date8 Jul 2020
    Publication statusEarly online - 8 Jul 2020


    • multiple objectives optimization
    • portfolio decision analysis
    • urban planning
    • scheduling


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