A symmetry or asymmetry: reflecting upon realities of cultural practice in sport psychology

Sahen Gupta, Sanika Divekar

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    We present a critical reflective dialogue on the current realities of cultural practice and issues of Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion in sport psychology. The focus is on highlighting experiences of two BPS Stage 2 Qualification in Sport and Exercise Psychology (QSEP) trainees and Doctoral students from a different cultural, national, linguistic and gender background. We reflect upon the many experiences of applied practice in the course of working with clients spanning across geographical backgrounds. We contextualise our reflections pragmatically i.e., in the real lived experience of training and practice instead of a bubble of constructed reality. Current status of literature and future directions for practitioner-based applied research grounded in cultural realities are discussed. We highlight our doubts, our directions to rectify and invite you to join us in critically appraising our field, to enrich it in the (not so) distant future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)60-72
    JournalSport and Exercise Psychology Review
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2022


    • cultural sport psychology
    • diversity
    • inclusion
    • applied practice
    • evidence


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