A systemic domain model for ambient pervasive persuasive games

Roger Eglin, Mark Eyles, Neil Dansey

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    By the development of the system domain model it is hoped that a greater conceptual and theoretical clarity may be brought to understanding the complex and multifaceted nature of pervasive and ambient computer games. This paper presents a conceptual model, the system domain model, to illustrate domain areas that exist in a console, pervasive or ambient game. It is implicit that the regions that the systemic domain model describes are contextually dependent. By developing this model it is possible to more fully understand the gaming application area for game technologies and in particular the pervasive and ambient games. Further implications of this model are discussed with specific instances of games that are designed to promote behavioural change, inparticular with regards to health.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2008
    EventCHI 2008 - Florence, Italy
    Duration: 5 Apr 200810 Apr 2008


    ConferenceCHI 2008


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