Accuracy and usefulness of corporate data in annual course monitoring

Charlotte Gladstone-Millar, A. Irving, Martin Read

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Many HEIs are struggling to find a common currency between locally created course/subject-based statistical information and data produced from corporate systems in annual monitoring. This interactive session is facilitated by a Head of Department, an Associate Dean and an Academic Registrar with different views on the use of data. The aim of the session is to - Discuss the issues in using statistical data for annual course monitoring from the different perspectives - Explore the opportunities for establishing common ground between the different perspectives - Identify good practice and strategies to overcome the inherent tensions in the system
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2010
    EventInstitutional Research: Informing Institutional Enhancement, Practice and Strategy - Dublin, Ireland
    Duration: 29 Jun 201030 Jun 2010


    ConferenceInstitutional Research: Informing Institutional Enhancement, Practice and Strategy


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