Active control of environmental noise, IV: Practical extensions to ecas theory

S. E. Wright*, B. Vuksanovic

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The basic Electronically Controlled Acoustic Shadow (ECAS) model in Paper I [1] (Wright and Vuksanovic 1996 Journal of Sound and Vibration 190, 565-585), considered the sound cancellation from a flat (2D), in-phase primary source, radiating in free field (no reflecting surfaces) and in a stationary propagating fluid (no wind), using monopole (omnidirection) cancellers. In Paper II [2] (Wright and Vuksanovic 1997 Journal of Sound and Vibration 202, 313-359), the theory was extended to high frequency non-compact acoustic sources, where the acoustic wavelength is small compared to the source size. Paper III [3] (Wright and Vuksanovic 1999 Journal of Sound and Vibration, 220, 469-496) considered the implementation of ECAS theory into practice. This paper considers the following practical extensions to the basic ECAS model: (a) out-of-phase primary sources; (b) three-dimensional primary sources; (c) ground reflection; (d) directional secondary sources and (e) wind effect.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)635-668
Number of pages34
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 1999


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