Advances in the endoscopic diagnosis and treatment of Barrett’s neoplasia

Fergus J. Q. Chedgy, Kesavan Kandiah, Sreedhari Thayalasekaran, Sharmila Subramaniam, Pradeep Bhandari

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    Barrett’s oesophagus is a well-recognised precursor of oesophageal adenocarcinoma. The incidence of oesophageal adenocarcinoma is continuing to rise in the Western world with dismal survival rates. In recent years, efforts have been made to diagnose Barrett’s earlier and improve surveillance techniques in order to pick up cancerous changes earlier. Recent advances in endoscopic therapy for early Barrett’s cancers have shifted the paradigm away from oesophagectomy and have yielded excellent results.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 28 Jan 2016


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