Alienating the familiar with CGI: a recipe for making a full CGI Art House animated feature

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This paper is an exploration of the processes used and ideas behind an animated full CGI feature film project that attempts to reach blockbuster production values, while retaining Art House sensibilities. It examines methods used to achieve these production values in an academic production environment and ways costs can be minimized, but high quality levels retained. It also examines its status as an Art House project, by comparing its narrative design and use of symbolism to existing works of Art House cinema.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)368-374
Number of pages7
Issue number4
Early online date10 Aug 2018
Publication statusEarly online - 10 Aug 2018
EventSIGGRAPH 2018 - Vancouver, Canada., Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 12 Aug 201816 Aug 2018


  • animation
  • motion-capture


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