An apparatus to monitor suction evolution and water migration within a soil mass for climate-adaptive infrastructure

Aditi Rana, Ashwani Kumar Sharma, Ashutosh Kumar, Arash Azizi, Sravan Muguda, Ashraf Osman, David G. Toll

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    The present study investigates the potential utility of a capillary barrier system that limits water infiltration into the underlying soil. This was achieved by developing a cylindrical apparatus capable of monitoring matric suction and water content at different depths in real-time when subjected to hydraulic loading. The climate adaptive barrier layer (CABL) was prepared by using an amended soil containing a 5% by dry mass of waste produced from the water treatment plant. The result of monitoring without a CABL indicated the quick reduction in suction and quick increment in the volumetric water content under artificially induced rainfall. The top layer of the soil has shown the variation of suction up to 2,000 kPa under continuous air-drying (four months) where the suction was higher during the day compared to the night. Such variation was not observed under the application of the CABL, thereby limiting the changes in the water content and soil suction of the underlying soil, showing the potential applicability of the CABL to limit the impact of water content fluctuation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationGeo-Risk 2023
    Subtitle of host publicationHazards and Climate Change
    EditorsJianye Ching, Shadi Najjar, Lei Wang
    PublisherAmerican Society of Civil Engineers
    ISBN (Electronic)9780784484968
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2023
    EventGeo-Risk 2023 - Arlington, United States
    Duration: 23 Jul 202326 Jul 2023


    ConferenceGeo-Risk 2023
    Country/TerritoryUnited States


    • Unsaturated soil
    • Suction
    • Monitoring
    • Water content


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