An eco-friendly intelligent environment for exploring mathematical generalisation

Darren Pearce, Eirini Geraniou, Sergio Gutierrez-Santos, Manolis Mavrikis, Mihaela Cocea, Celia Hoyles, Ken Kahn, George Magoulas, Richard Noss, Alexandra Poulovassilis, Niall Winters

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Many students in early UK secondary education have difficulties understanding generalisation and perceive algebra as an endpoint rather than a versatile tool. The MiGen Project is building a novel intelligent environment which allows students to explore mathematical generalisation through constructing and manipulating patterns of coloured tiles. Intelligent components within the system monitor their interactions, offering feedback and support so as to scaffold their understanding of generalisation without compromising the exploratory nature of the environment. Importantly, the intelligent assistance is not designed to replace the teacher but has been iteratively designed so as to integrate into the classroom ecology in an optimal way by leveraging the advantages of effective classroom dynamics and the presence of the teacher. It therefore works in concert with teachers, notifying them of difficulties students in the class may be experiencing, suggesting effective groupings for collaborative activities, allowing reflection on the success of their teaching strategies and generally facilitating the design and deployment of lessons aiming to teach mathematical generalisation. Visitors to this hands-on event will be allocated a pseudo-student profile.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2009 conference on artificial intelligence in education
Subtitle of host publicationbuilding learning systems that care: from knowledge representation to affective modelling
EditorsVania Dimitrova, Riichiro Mizoguchi, Benedict du Boulay, Art Graesser
PublisherIOS Press
ISBN (Electronic)9781607504467
ISBN (Print)9781607500285
Publication statusPublished - 2009

Publication series

NameFrontiers in artificial intelligence and applications
PublisherIOS Press


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