An ecoepidemiological predator-prey model with standard disease incidence

Mainul Haque, Jin Zhen, Ezio Venturino

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This investigation accounts for epidemics spreading among interacting populations. The infective disease spreads among the prey, of which only susceptibles reproduce, while infected prey do not grow, recover, reproduce nor compete for resources. The model is general enough to describe a large number of ecosystems, on land, in the air or in the water.

The main results concern the boundedness of the trajectories, the analysis of local and global stability, system's persistency and a threshold property below which the infection disappears. A sufficiently strong disease in the prey may avoid predators extinction and its presence can destabilize an otherwise stable predator‐prey configuration. The occurrence of transcritical, saddle‐node and Hopf‐bifurcations is also shown.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)875-898
JournalMathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences
Issue number7
Early online date6 Aug 2008
Publication statusPublished - 15 May 2009


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