An English teacher’s developing self-efficacy beliefs in using groupwork

Mark Wyatt

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In this article, I explore how an English teacher’s self-efficacy beliefs in using groupwork developed, specifically with regard to his work with young learners, while he was engaged part-time on an in-service BA TESOL programme in the Middle East. Using qualitative case study methodology, I uncover various aspects of his self-efficacy growth, highlighting links between this and growth in his practical knowledge relating to the learners and learning, the curriculum, teaching techniques, the school context and his own sense of himself as a researcher of his own practice. Results indicate that, throughout the three-year programme, there was unevenness in growth across these various dimensions of practical knowledge, which appeared to influence the teacher’s developing self-efficacy in using groupwork in various ways. After exploring possible reasons for this, I discuss implications.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)603-613
JournalSystem: An International Journal of Educational Technology and Applied Linguistics
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2010


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