An examination of perceptual-motor recalibration in a 1-vs-1 anticipation test

Ricky Wilson*, David Alder, Matt Miller-Dicks, Jamie Poolton

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    This study examined the processes of perceptual-motor calibration/recalibration of defensive football players in a 1-vs-1 scenario. Ankle weights were used to reduce the acceleration capabilities of players performing an anticipation test, with the aim being to examine the player’s response to the disturbance in terms of when movement was initiated and the impact on the mechanisms that underpinned anticipation, namely gaze behaviour. The ankle weights disturbed the perceptual-motor system and players initiated movement significantly earlier in the 1-vs-1 anticipation test. Analyses of perceptual-motor calibration/recalibration revealed that players acted closer to their maximal action capabilities prior to the addition of ankle weights, which negatively influenced the scaling of action capabilities. Moreover, players were unable to recalibrate whilst wearing ankle weights. However, following the withdrawal of the ankle weights, players were able to recalibrate within 11–15 trials. Players did not adapt gaze behaviour as a result of the disturbance being placed on the perceptual-motor system, but task familiarization resulted in more efficient eye movements. The results of this study show the importance of providing players the opportunity to “scale” action to perceptual information.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalJournal of Sports Sciences
    Early online date30 Oct 2023
    Publication statusEarly online - 30 Oct 2023


    • Affordance-based control
    • action-scaled calibration
    • recalibration
    • attunement
    • gaze behaviour


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