An investigation into an alternative transactional HR model

E. Gooch, Gary Rees

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    Whilst much has been expanded upon in academic literature on the “ideal” HR model for business practices, to what extent has there been an unquestioning acceptance of an Ulrich style HR model? Perhaps the major focus should be about how Ulrich and associated models have been interpreted then applied to the HR function. An investigation was carried out on a large public sector organisation employing approximately 37,000 staff, comprising of varying departments, accountable to service users, community, elected Members and various stakeholders therefore conflicting priorities exist. In terms of the organisational context, as a local government organisation it has been affected by the Comprehensive Spending Review announced in October 2010 and the Localism Act 2010 which has led to the need for major transformation. A combination of change initiatives are underway including restructuring, outsourcing, implementation of shared services and the increased use of technology, with the aim of providing a more effective and efficient council. Priorities and objectives were changing which meant all departments needed to change and meet the new priorities. In relation to the HR function, not only did this mean supporting departments in transformations, it had to consider its own strategy and structure and review whether it was fit for purpose to meet the current and future challenges. Budget cuts, reduced funding and competition from private sector and in fact other local authorities were all drivers for change. The HR function reviewed its strategy and developed a number of work streams to be considered to meet the challenges ahead. One of which being the possibility of an alternative transactional HR delivery model in the form of a HR helpdesk. The intentions being to deliver savings, create efficiencies, maintain customer focus, improve service delivery standards and support the strategic HR function; with a further potential focusing on entering into a shared service function with other organisations in the future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1-4
    Number of pages4
    JournalHR bulletin - research and practice
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


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