Analysis of cantilever triple-layer piezoelectric harvester (CTLPH): non-resonance applications

Mojtaba Ghodsi*, Mortezaa Mohammadzaheri, Payam Soltani

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    In this research, a design guideline for a kinetic energy converter using a cantilever triple-layer piezoelectric harvester (CTLPH) for low-frequency applications is presented. By combining the constitutive and internal energy equations, the analytical equations for harvested voltage and power were developed. It was also found that frequency of motion, applied tip force, piezoelectric coefficients, geometrical dimensions, and mechanical properties of layers play significant roles in the performance of the harvester. Having characterised the voltage regulator module, LTC3588, the dependency of output voltage on both the storage and output capacitors of the LTC3588 was investigated. An experimental measurement using the optical method was carried out to determine the applied tip force. Furthermore, the performance of the CTLPH in low frequencies (< 3.3 Hz) for various resistive loads was investigated. It was found that both excitation frequency and external resistance load are effective on the maximum generated power. The developed CTLPH shows the optimum power of 17.31 𝜇𝑊at the external resistance of 20 kΩ, which is highly appropriate for micropower devices with at least 3.2 Hz of kinetic vibration in their environment.
    Original languageEnglish
    Article number3129
    Pages (from-to)1-17
    Number of pages17
    Issue number7
    Publication statusPublished - 29 Mar 2023


    • piezoelectric
    • low-frequency
    • tip-force
    • cantilever beam
    • triple-layer beam
    • non-resonance harvester
    • reciprocated motion
    • tip-mass
    • LTC3588


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