Analysis of pile foundation in liquefied sand using p-y curve from element test

Mehdi Rouholamin, Subhamoy Bhattacharya

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


In practice, piles are most often modelled as "Beams on Non-Linear Winkler Foundation" (also known as “p-y spring” approach) where the soil is idealised as p-y springs. These p-y springs are obtained through semi-empirical approach using element test results of the soil. For liquefied soil, a reduction factor (often termed as p-multiplier approach) is applied on a standard py
curve for the non-liquefied condition to obtain the p-y curve liquefied soil condition. This paper presents a methodology to obtain py curves for liquefied soil based on element testing of liquefied soil considering physically plausible mechanisms. Validation of the proposed p-y curves is carried out through the back analysis of physical model tests.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 2014
Event13th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium - University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Jun 20142 Jul 2014


Other13th BGA Young Geotechnical Engineers’ Symposium
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • p-y curve
  • soil element test
  • liquefaction
  • pile foundation


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