Antifouling and toxic properties of the bioactive metabolites from the seagrasses Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea serrulata

Palanisamy Iyapparaj, Peranandam Revathi, Ramasamy Ramasubburayan, Santhiyagu Prakash, Arunachalam Palavesam, Grasian Immanuel, Perumal Anantharaman, Asmita Sautreau, Claire Hellio

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    The present study documents the antifouling and toxic properties of seagrasses Syringodium isoetifolium and Cymodocea serrulata. For that,the seagrasses S. isoetifolium and C. serrulata were extracted individually using organic solvents viz.dichloromethane,acetone and methanol. Amongst the extracts,
    the maximum antimicrofouling and antimacrofouling activities were exhibited by methanol extracts of both the seagrasses.The Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) of methanolic extracts of seagrasses was ranged from1.0 to10 mg/ml against tes tbiofilm bacteria and microalgal strains.Similarly,100% fouling inhibition of limpet Patella vulgata was found at 6.0mg/ml of methanolic extracts of seagrasses.The mussel Perna indica showed 50% of byssal production and attachment inhibition at 21.5172.03,17.8271.07 mg/ml and the anti-crustaecean activity for 50% mortality of Artemia salina was recorded at 732.1479.21and 394.1675.16 mg/ml respectively for methanolic extracts of S. isoetifolium and C. serrulata. The minimal inhibitory and higher lethal concentrations of active methanol extracts shows it's less toxic nature.Based on the prolific results,methanol extractsof S. isoetifolium and C. serrulata were subjected to purification using silicagel column and thin layer chromatography.Then the active compounds of the bioassay guided fractions were partially characterized using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectroscopy (GC–MS) and keyed out that fatty acids (C16 to C24) were the major components which responsible for the antifouling properties of the candidate seagrasses.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)54-60
    JournalEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety
    Early online date25 Feb 2014
    Publication statusPublished - May 2014


    • biofouling
    • seagrass
    • bioassay
    • antifouling substances
    • GC-MS
    • Fatty acids


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