Assessing e-service quality of B2C sites: a proposed framework

Shakeel Iqbal, Zeeshan Ahmed Bhatti, Muhammad Naeem Khan

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    E-services play a crucial role in attracting new online customers as well as retaining the old ones. This research paper is an attempt to define a framework for assessing the quality of e-services offered by B2C e-commerce websites. The proposed e-service quality framework (e-SQF) is applied on ten most popular B2C e-commerce websites in Pakistan to assess their relative state of e-service quality. The selected websites are assessed on each of the eight e-service quality dimensions defined in the e-SQF (i.e., e-search, e-response, e-transaction, e-payment, assurance and trust, e-help and e-technologies, post-sales support and website design and functionality). An overall assessment of each of the selected websites is also made to rank them in order of quality of e-services offered. The proposed framework can be a useful tool to quantify the quality of e-services offered by the e-tailers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages12
    JournalInternational Journal of Information Technology
    Early online date8 Sept 2018
    Publication statusEarly online - 8 Sept 2018


    • e-Service quality
    • E-Tailing
    • B2C e-commerce
    • e-Service quality framework
    • e-Service quality dimensions


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