Assessing the credibility of the Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique

Cody Porter, Adam Harvey, Iain Reid

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


1. Objective of the study: The Asymmetric Information Management (AIM) technique is designed to create an information management dilemma for truth tellers and liars. When presented with the instructions truth tellers typically provide more informative statements, compared to a control condition. To assess whether the AIM instructions enhance credibility detection, we examined a range of credibility measures (plausible, believable, accurate, honest, credible, forthcoming and detailed), across the AIM and a control condition, and across liars and truth-tellers. The overall aim was to measure whether those who receive guidance on credibility will be able to more accurately distinguish between truth tellers and liars.

2. Methodology: 2 (Veracity: Truth teller vs. Liar) x 2 (Interviewing condition:
Asymmetric Information Management ‘AIM’ technique vs. control condition) x 2 (credibility scales: present vs. absent) between-factors experimental design was used. A total of 44 participants (29 females and 10 males) aged between 18 and 56 years were included as part of this study each rating 5 statements.

3. Results obtained or expected: The AIM technique appears to increase truth-tellers ratings of perceived detail, credibility, honesty, and accuracy. Unfortunately, liars were rated as more plausible and believable in the AIM condition compared to liars in the control condition. A number of hypotheses were not supported, and scales did not increase overall credibility accuracy from our human raters.

4. Conclusion: Credibility judgements are poor across the AIM and control conditions. Scales had a limited impact in increasing overall credibility judgement accuracy.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 4 Jul 2023
EventAnnual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL2023) - Cluj-Napoca, Romania
Duration: 4 Jul 20237 Jul 2023


ConferenceAnnual Conference of the European Association of Psychology and Law (EAPL2023)
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