Asset or liability: transnational links and political participation of foreign-born citizens in Taiwan

Isabelle Cheng, Lara Momesso, Dafydd Fell

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Viewed as outsiders clinging onto links with their country of origin, immigrants do not often feature positively in electoral politics in their host society. Challenging this conventional view, this article examines how immigrants make use of their transnational ties to foster their political participation in the host state. This exploration is conducted through our study of the political participation of Vietnamese and Chinese immigrants in Taiwan. Our research finds that transnational ties are politicized by the mainstream political parties. However, such politicization does not necessarily restrict immigrants’ agency and their sociopolitical space for political participation. Their transnational ties constitute a dynamic sociopolitical field in which these maintained connections are acted upon and give rise to a variety of strategies for responding to issues affecting their interests.

Original languageEnglish
JournalInternational Migration
Early online date25 Nov 2018
Publication statusEarly online - 25 Nov 2018


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