Better together: the TRAIL user participation toolkit for Living Labs

E. Beamish, D. McDade, M. Mulvenna, S. Martin, Dia Soilemezi

    Research output: Book/ReportBook


    We developed this toolkit to help those operating living labs and others wishing to carry out research and innovation activities with users to make it easier to translate from user needs to products, services and solutions. The toolkit is a full-colour book with over 100 pages including a foreword by Professor Àlvaro Oliveira, President of the ENoLL Association and Chair of the Council of the European Network of Living Labs. Topics include an introduction to user-participation and living labs, as well as the steps needed to be taken to engage with people before, during and after participation exercises. The book also includes several relevant profiles, a full case study as well as a separate chapter on governance and ethical issues in participation.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationUlster
    PublisherUniversity of Ulster
    Number of pages108
    Publication statusPublished - 2012


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