Billing issues when accessing personalised educational content

Andreea Molnar, Cristina Hava Muntean

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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    The increased affordability of mobile devices combined with the availability of the latest wireless technologies have made mobile devices an attractivetool for learning. Nowadays learners can choose between multiple wireless networks with different characteristics, belonging to the same or to different mobile operators. Unfortunately, the Internet billing plans are still difficult to predict and control by most users. This paper presents an algorithm which aims to determine the best network, from a list of available ones (in terms of price), for delivering the selected educational content.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - Aug 2009
    EventChina-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies - Maynooth, Ireland
    Duration: 19 Aug 200921 Aug 2009


    ConferenceChina-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies


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