Book Review: Coastal and estuarine management

Malcolm Bray

    Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review


    The unintended and initially unpredictable side-effects or impacts of human activities at the coast form the main subject of this text. It argues that impacts upon physical qualities relate either to sediment (deficit or surplus) or
    pollution and generally affect habitats and coastal amenities in an adverse manner.
    Following a detailed and systematic discussion
    of these impacts resulting from activities such as
    coastal defence, industrial development and
    tourism, a concluding chapter directs attention
    towards appropriate management methods. In
    view of the focus upon impacts and the fact that
    many of these result from lack of management,
    the title of this work might be considered a little
    misleading even though the subject-matter is
    compelling. The text is aimed at an undergraduate
    audience and its range is global although
    many of the examples are based upon
    experiences from the UK. Its scope is similar to
    the earlier text by Viles and Spencer (1995),
    although its treatment of the subject differs. In
    p a r t i c u l a r, it provides a cohesive overview
    of the full range of impact types and their
    historical dimensions rather than advanced
    treatment of specific problems. It also provides a
    useful discussion of management options
    although much of this is based upon recent UK
    practice. French, P. W. 1997 London: Routledge. xvi + 256 pp., £50.00 cloth, £15.99 paper. ISBN: 0 415 13758 6 cloth, 0 415 13759 4 paper
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)145
    JournalProgress in Physical Geography
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 1999


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