Book Review: Hollywood in the neighborhood: historical case studies of local moviegoing

Research output: Contribution to journalBook/Film/Article review


Film history has been transformed over the last two decades. Films are no longer viewed as merely texts, set apart in a cultural vacuum. Film historians are now giving increased consideration to the contexts of the films: their production, distribution, exhibition and consumption. Kathryn H. Fuller-Seeley’s edited volume is an important addition to this trend. Significantly, though, this new collection disapproves of the tendency of many recent film histories to equate the emergence and popularity of cinema at the turn of the 20th century with the introduction of modernity. While being careful not to dismiss the ‘modernity thesis’ entirely, Fuller-Seeley and George Potamianos (in the Introduction) and Ronald G. Walters (in the Conclusion) draw attention to the weaknesses of this grand theory: it views movie-goers as a vast, homogenous group; it is too metropolitan in its focus; and it ignores continuities with the past. Edited by Kathryn H. Fuller-Seeley
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)247-249
Number of pages3
JournalHistorical Journal of Film, Radio and Television
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 2009


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