Brief notes on reportage drawing, visual language and the creative agenda of the reportage artist

Louis Netter

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    Reportage drawing is a revelatory act that combines the challenges of quick, gestural drawing with some level of accuracy in the depiction of place. Add to that the complications of working in sometimes hostile or at the very least, less than ideal environments and you have a highly unique drawing act. It is difficult to discern to what degree the challenge of drawing on location informs or shapes the final outcome but one thing is certain, the depiction of that space is fated to the intention(s) of the artist. I contend this is particularly important in reportage drawing as it is as much about selection, de-selection, augmentation, speculation and pure invention as it is about the accurate depiction of space. My drawings are an extended exploration of a personal schema and visual language and are also a highly personal record of observed people whose expressive features drive my ideas about the emotional gradations of everyday living.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages15
    JournalTracey: Drawing and Visualisation Research
    VolumeDrawing In-Situ
    Early online date5 Jan 2014
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2014


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