Building better beginnings: a case study of how a daily physical skills session is supporting overall learning and development for young boys

Joy Angela Chalke

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    This case study argues for the consideration of an adult directed physical skills session as an approach to supporting boys learning in the Early Years Foundation Stage in England. It exemplifies a model of professional development that utilises the individual knowledge and expertise of practitioners to support and extend others’ practice. It recounts an action research project undertaken by a small nursery group to facilitate boys learning in the areas of physical development, communication and social and emotional skills. It argues for the ability of structured and planned sessions to be personalised so that individual children’s needs and interests are catered for.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1406-1414
    JournalEarly Child Development and Care
    Issue number9
    Early online date21 Dec 2015
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2016


    • physical development
    • early year practice
    • boys learning
    • adult directed learning


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