Building successful partnerships between teaching assistants and teachers: which interpersonal factors matter?

Andrea Jardí*, Rob Webster, Cristina Petreñas, Ignasi Puigdellívol

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    This article identifies the factors that characterise effective interpersonal partnerships between teaching assistants (TAs) and teachers working in inclusive schools in Catalonia (Spain). This phenomenological study, based on 40 semi-structured interviews with 22 TAs and 18 teachers revealed that the main interpersonal factors affecting partnerships were: feeling at ease; trust; respect; and valuing one another. Participants detailed key aspects such as personal affinity, professional compatibility, open communication, a sense of belonging to a class-group, and teamwork, as additionally important for successful partnerships. The findings provide insight into how schools can support the development of effective TA-teacher partnerships. Implications are discussed.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number103523
    Number of pages11
    JournalTeaching and Teacher Education
    Early online date8 Oct 2021
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2022


    • collaboration
    • inclusive education
    • paraprofessionals
    • partnership
    • teachers
    • teaching assistants


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