Case study: Cadbury, organisation, culture and history

Gill Christy

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    It is usual to consider organisations and organisational behaviour against a background of various contextual factors; the PESTEL analysis described in Chapter 3 is one tool for both analysing the current situation of an organisation and planning its development. Political, economical, social and other influences, and predictions about changes in these influential areas, are clearly of great importance to the planning process. Plans are by definition future-oriented; their success or failure can be judged only after the event and sometimes their true outcome is not easy to determine for some time. This means that many of the judgements and insights into organisational activity are actually historical - we often have to look to the past in order to understand where organisations are today. history can have a major impact on the decisions and activities which take place within organisations, and we sometimes need to look to an organisation's past to understand much of what is going on at present and what might be possible for the future. This case shows sometimes of the changing nature of one famous organisation over its history and as such offers some insight into the complex interplay of contextual factors, including time, which shape an organisation's culture and behaviour.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationManagement and organisational behaviour
    EditorsL. Mullins
    Place of PublicationHarlow
    PublisherFinancial Times Prentice Hall
    Number of pages5
    ISBN (Print)9780273708889
    Publication statusPublished - 2007


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