Challenging conversations in neonatal intensive care: working with simulated relatives

Kim Edwards, Caroline Jane Hamilton, Marjolein Woodhouse

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    Background: Registered nurses are expected to communicate effectively with patients and relatives. To improve this, education programmes are increasingly turning to simulation modalities including scenarios with simulated patients/relatives (SPs) (MacClean et al. 2017). Patient and public involvement has become an integral part of healthcare; SPs play an essential role in being the patient/relative proxy and advocate.

    Wessex Network Neonatal Preceptorship Programme has preceptees that are newly qualified child-branch nurses and adult-trained nurses, from nine neonatal units. Research has identified that preceptees are ill-equipped to have challenging conversations (Whitehead et al. 2013). Wessex preceptees corroborated further and identified that they would benefit from simulated training to gain a better understanding from the relatives’ perspective.

    Project description: Our aim was to incorporate, through simulation, the ‘lived experience’ of relatives of neonates within neonatal intensive care/unit settings. Scenarios were developed with learning outcomes based on relatives’ experiences. SPs from an established SP programme, were selected and then trained to portray the roles; the debrief included the participants, the SP and facilitator.The scenarios, underpinned by the NHS values and the NMC Code of Conduct, covered:

    • Responding to relatives’ complaints

    • Supporting relatives after unanticipated transfer of patient

    • Patient safety

    • Professionalism and accountability

    • Giving positive feedback.

    To ascertain participants’ views and knowledge surrounding communicating in challenging situations before and after training, a questionnaire containing eleven 5-point Likert-format items was utilised. Data were analysed using Wilcoxon singed-ranks or sign tests.

    Summary of results: Seventeen participants completed the questionnaire; all felt their knowledge had increased following the training. The observed differences between the scores that were given before and after training were statistically significant in all eleven items (all p<0.01). The following elements were noted to be particularly helpful:practicing pacing, silence, clarifying, responding to cues, avoiding jargon and providing supportdelivering positive feedbackbeing empowered to initiate, participate and lead by example.The highest score change was observed in participants confidence in changing their personal communication style.

    Recommendations: Experiential learning is a powerful and effective tool in preparing neonatal intensive care preceptees for challenging conversations. Participants believed this to be an essential component of their professional development. This will run in the region every six months for new cohorts and to maximise impact, our aim is to offer this programme to neonatal units beyond preceptees. The ASPiH standards suggest that there is clear alignment to stakeholders needs, which we believe this programme has responded to.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages2
    Publication statusPublished - 15 Nov 2018
    EventAssociation for Simulated Practice in Healthcare Annual Conference 2018 - Southport, United Kingdom
    Duration: 13 Nov 201815 Nov 2018
    Conference number: 9


    ConferenceAssociation for Simulated Practice in Healthcare Annual Conference 2018
    Abbreviated titleASPiH 2018
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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