Characterization of the LIGO detectors during their sixth science run

The LIGO Scientific Collaboration, Virgo Collaboration, I. W. Harry, D. Keitel, A. P. Lundgren, L. K. Nuttall

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


In 2009-2010, the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observa- tory (LIGO) operated together with international partners Virgo and GEO600 as a network to search for gravitational waves of astrophysical origin. The sensitiv- ity of these detectors was limited by a combination of noise sources inherent to the instrumental design and its environment, often localized in time or frequency, that couple into the gravitational-wave readout. Here we review the performance of the LIGO instruments during this epoch, the work done to characterize the de- tectors and their data, and the effect that transient and continuous noise artefacts have on the sensitivity of LIGO to a variety of astrophysical sources.
Original languageEnglish
Article number115012
JournalClassical and Quantum Gravity
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 13 May 2015


  • gr-qc
  • astro-ph.IM
  • RCUK
  • STFC


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