Coastal microplastic pollution: understanding coastal community stakeholder perceptions and resolution priorities

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While scientific research and media coverage has led to some legislation and policy changes in relation to the plastic pollution problem, in general these developments have been uncoordinated. In 2022 the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) resolution to end plastic pollution became the first legally binding provision to address the problem; it includes a requirement for multi-level stakeholder action agendas. In this research, we examine how key stakeholders with management responsibilities within a coastal area on the south coast of the United Kingdom view the issue of coastal microplastics. We find that stakeholders are susceptible to the same influences as the public and are focussed on the global rather than the local issues of plastic pollution. We also find that visitors to these coastal areas appear to be unconcerned about the potential threat caused by MP either due to a lack of awareness or assessment of risk. The research also highlights the management priorities amongst the stakeholders and makes recommendations for a more localised approach to implementing management policies in the future.
Original languageEnglish
Article number107090
Number of pages9
JournalOcean and Coastal Management
Early online date14 Mar 2024
Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2024


  • microplastics
  • coastal management
  • stakeholder perceptions
  • mitigation
  • marine engagement
  • policy change


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