Colliding employer-employee perspectives of employee turnover: evidence from a born-global industry

Vijay Pereira, Ashish Malik, Kajal Anurag Sharma

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    Set in the context of internationalisation of global division of labour, this paper provides a deeper exploration of qualitative themes of conflicting accounts of employees’ reasons to quit and managerial strategies to prevent employee turnover in six business process outsourcing firms operating in India. Such differences in cognition and action between the two constituencies suggest that the decision to quit is not a linear and rational process as highlighted in most extant models of employee turnover. Our findings suggest that employees are attached more to a place or people they work with rather than the organisation per se. Intergenerational differences between Generation Y knowledge workers and Generation X managers and the ineffectiveness of espoused human resource practices suggest the presence of ‘push’ human resource management (HRM) systems. Our findings have implications for employee turnover models, inter-generational theory and high-commitment HRM, and practitioners.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)601-615
    JournalThunderbird International Business Review
    Issue number6
    Early online date10 Sept 2015
    Publication statusPublished - Nov 2016


    • WNU
    • India
    • IT/BPO Industry
    • Employee Turnover
    • Inter-generational differences
    • HRM
    • Qualitative


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