Commercial and Cyber Fraud: A Legal Guide to Justice for Businesses

Research output: Book/ReportBook


It is estimated that there are over five million incidents of fraud and two million cyber-related crimes committed annually in the UK costing approximately £193 billion with organisations losing £183 billion per year.

Aimed at business directors, business owners, in-house lawyers and managers, forensic accountants and non-UK lawyers, Commercial and Cyber Fraud: A Legal Guide to Justice for Businesses sets out the legal process, from discovery of the crime and consideration of options, through engaging lawyers, early interventions to secure assets in the hands of fraudsters and culminating in sections on legal rights and processes, including court trials.

This new title:
- Arms victims of business fraud with valuable information that will enable them to make confident and wise choices in their pursuit of justice right from the first discovery of commercial fraud or cyber fraud
- Sets out both the civil and criminal court options for victims
- Includes detailed guidance on how to choose, use and pay for lawyers
- Explains strategic imperatives, the relative merits of the different justice options and the hurdles that might have to be overcome
- Includes case studies and quotes from real victims of commercial and cyber fraud and insightful quotes from specialist fraud litigation lawyers
- Contains an introduction to international fraud cases and cross-border laws
Original languageEnglish
PublisherBloomsbury Professional
ISBN (Electronic)9781526509161, 9781526509154
ISBN (Print)9781526509147
Publication statusPublished - 24 May 2019

Publication series

NameDirectors' Handbook Series
PublisherBloomsbury Professional


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