Content type and perceived multimedia quality in mobile learning

Andreea Molnar

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    The increased usage of mobile devices for learning purposes raises
    several concerns regarding how this adaptation aects learning and perceived
    quality of educational content across dierent screen resolutions. This research
    looks into how educational content type and video adaptation aect the per-
    ceived quality of multimedia educational content on two dierent mobile de-
    vices. We consider seven dierent categories of educational content: slideshow,
    screencast, presentation, lab demo, interview, documentary, and animation.
    The results show that the participants could learn regardless of the video
    content type and the adapted version of the video. We found no statistical sig-
    nicant dierence between the perceived quality of the highest quality video
    and the lower quality video for two of the categories (lab demo and interview)
    and statistical signicant dierence on the remaining ones. The implications
    of this study are also discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalMultimedia Tools and Applications
    Early online date5 Nov 2016
    Publication statusEarly online - 5 Nov 2016


    • content category
    • mobile learning
    • perceived video quality
    • quality of experience
    • screen size
    • video based learning


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