Contingencies of contingent employment: psychological contract, job insecurity and employability of contracted workers

Maria Jose Chambel, Rita Fontinha

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Drawing on psychological contract literature, the present study examines the emerging contingent employment relationships, which involve the contracted workers, the employment agency and the client organization on whose premises these employees work. This sample includes eighty-eight white-collar employees working for four Portuguese agencies. The results suggest that the perceived fulfilment of clients obligations relates positively to the perceived fulfilment of agencies obligations and that these constructs are independent of one another. Furthermore, as expected, we have found that the perception of job insecurity relates negatively to the fulfilment of agencies obligations. No relationship was found between employability and the perceived fulfilment of clients obligations. The results have implications for practitioners and future research.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)207-271
    Number of pages65
    JournalRevista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones
    Issue number3
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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