COVID-19 vaccine confidence and tourism at the early stage of a voluntary mass vaccination campaign: a PMT segmentation analysis

Nigel Leroy Williams, Thi Hong Hai Nguyen, Gaicomo Del Chaippa, Giancarlo Fedeli, Philipp Wassler

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    Restarting the mass tourism industry relies on the success of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign which requires individuals’ voluntary participation to reduce health risks to hosts and visitors. This study identifies segments of Italian residents based on vaccine confidence at the early stage of a voluntary mass vaccination programme. Using a survey held with 3893 Italian residents, two COVID-19 vaccine confidence clusters were identified. These clusters were compared and revealed significant differences in response and self-efficacy, vaccine adoption, travel behaviour and involvement in the tourism industry.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages15
    JournalCurrent Issues in Tourism
    Early online date16 Aug 2021
    Publication statusEarly online - 16 Aug 2021


    • COVID-19 vaccine
    • vaccine hesitancy
    • vaccine confidence
    • protection motivation theory


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