COZIP: An intensive programme in european integrated coastal zone management

Anthony Gallagher, Steve Fletcher, David Johnson, Allan Williams, Habib Muhammetoglu, Veli Ortacesme, Selçuk Sayan, Ayse Muhammetoglu, Niyazi Demircan, Valerie Cummins, Vicki O'Donnell, Jeremy Gault, Michael Phillips, Christopher House, Elizabeth May, Aysen Ergin

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


Erasmus represents the higher education section of Socrates II; the European Commission programme supporting European cooperation in education and training. Through this programme, COZIP has been established and funded as an Intensive Programme (IP), the aim of which is to enhance knowledge transfer with regard the European dimensions of Integrated Coastal Zone Management. More specifically, COZIP has considered the European coastal management strategy, and reviewed the implications of this for the EU candidate country of Turkey. In order to achieve this, the IP promoted the mobility and exchange of higher education staff and students from a number of European establishments: these being Southampton Institute (UK), Swansea Institute (UK), Akdeniz University (Turkey), and University College Cork (Ireland). A mix of undergraduate and postgraduate Masters degree students from these partner organisations underwent an intensive fieldwork programme based at Akdeniz University, Antalya, which enabling greater capacity in cross boundary perspectives and understandings of European ICZM to be developed. In the case of Akdeniz University, it should be noted; this was the first time organisations in Turkey have been eligible for such Erasmus funding. Prior to the fieldwork element, the students were provided with the contextual academic materials and logistical information through a dedicated COZIP website. The IP was conducted using a participatory approach to teaching and learning, with particular emphasis on field-based study and problem-based learning. Whilst on the fieldtrip, students were tasked with undertaking a specific research project, which they were then required to present at a concluding conference. The research outputs of this IP were used to compile an online virtual field course, which thus represents an ongoing learning resource for both participants and non-participants. This mix of online learning and experiential field-based work represents a major outcome of the IP and should lead to a cost effective means of enhancing teaching and learning in the future. The pedagogic aspects of the IP were evaluated and in themselves provide a significant research output, particularly with respect to its role in enhancing capacity-building programmes. This latter point may be particularly significant with regard to Turkey in the light of its moves to EU compliance. COZIP could also be considered significant in the sense that this is the first time such an IP has focussed on coastal management, and in order to maximise the perceived benefits, the programme is intended to be ongoing, with the location of the IP rotating between partner counties over a three-year funding period.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment
Subtitle of host publicationMEDCOAST 05, 25-29 October 2005, Turkey
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9750052609
Publication statusPublished - 25 Oct 2005
Event7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment - Kusadasi, Turkey
Duration: 25 Oct 200529 Oct 2005


Conference7th International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment
Abbreviated titleMEDCOAST 2005


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