Critical Management Studies, Queer Theory and the Prospect of a Queer Friendship

Nick Rumens

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    Critical management studies (CMS) has been criticised on a number of fronts, not the least of them being its poor track record of reflecting and challenging its internal mechanisms of hierarchy and exclusion. Acknowledging these issues, this chapter explores the role queer theory can play in developing a queer friendship with CMS, whereby CMS might be able to reflect on its normalising tendencies. This chapter does not claim that queer theory is a silver bullet which can deliver itself or otherwise work miracles for solving the complex problems that beset CMS. Rather, it seeks to fan the queer embers that already exist within CMS to spark queerer futures. Part of this endeavour involves bringing CMS and queer theory closer together, but not so close that the two become comfortable companions. As this chapter suggests, a queer friendship will involve antagonisms and tensions between queer and CMS help each other to refute the normative at every turn and gesture towards something more: queerness. Pursuing this project, this chapter provides a brief review of queer theory before outlining current queer stirrings within CMS. The remainder of the chapter focuses on what we might hope to happen from CMS and queer theory being yoked together in a queer friendship, such as bringing queers to the fore in business schools, queering management conferences and embracing forms of queer negativity that condition more radical conceptions of the future.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationFeminists and Queer Theorists Debate the Future of Critical Management Studies
    EditorsAlison Pullen, Nancy Harding, Mary Phillips
    Place of PublicationLondon
    PublisherEmerald Publishing Limited
    Number of pages21
    ISBN (Electronic)978-1786354976
    ISBN (Print)978-1786354983
    Publication statusPublished - 1 May 2017

    Publication series

    NameDialogues in Critical Management Studies


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