Differential place and response learning in horses displaying an oral stereotypy

Matthew Parker, Sebastian D. McBride, Edward S. Redhead, Deborah Goodwin

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Significant similarities exist between the neural and behavioural features of environmentally and drug-induced stereotypy. For example, exposure to dopamine agonists, such as amphetamine, induces stereotypy and causes alterations in midbrain neurophysiology similar to those observed following chronic stress. An additional behavioural feature of these neural changes in the drug-induced phenotype is an enhanced rate of switching from response-outcome (R-O) to stimulus-response (S-R) learning. The aim of the current experiment was to examine R-O and S-R learning in horses displaying environmentally induced oral stereotypies. This was achieved by employing variations of the place/response paradigm. In Experiment 1, we found that crib-biting horses displayed ‘response’ learning after 20 learning trials, whereas non-crib-biting controls tended to display ‘place’ learning throughout the experiment. In Experiment 2, we used a modified version of the procedure, in which the subjects were introduced to the maze from different start points and forced always to turn the same way. We found that the crib-biters acquired the task at a faster rate suggesting again that this group was displaying ‘response’ learning. Finally, in Experiment 3, we carried out an arena test to ensure that crib-biters were capable of ‘place’ learning. These results are the first to show that horses displaying an oral stereotypy, a behavioural phenotype previously associated with stress-induced perturbations of the basal ganglia, preferentially use ‘response’ learning. The findings are discussed in relation to the search for an aetiological model of stereotypy.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)100-105
    Number of pages6
    JournalBehavioural Brain Research
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2009


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