Divergent dual C-H isotopic fractionation pattern during anaerobic biodegradation of toluene within Aromatoleum species under nitrate-reducing conditions

Maria Pinel-Cabello, Kenneth Wasmund, Jesica M. Soder-Walz, Maria Vega, Mònica Rosell, Ernest Marco-Urrea

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Toluene is a pollutant frequently detected in contaminated groundwater, mostly due to leakage from underground gasoline storage tanks and pipeline ruptures. Multi-element compound-specific isotope analysis provides a framework to understand transformation processes and design efficient remediation strategies. In this study, we enriched an anaerobic bacterial culture derived from a BTEX-contaminated aquifer that couples toluene and phenol oxidation with nitrate reduction and the concomitant production of carbon dioxide and biomass. The 16S rRNA gene amplicon data indicated that the toluene-degrading consortium was dominated by an Aromatoleum population (87 ± 2 % relative abundance), and metagenome sequencing confirmed that the genome of this Aromatoleum sp. encoded glycyl-radical enzyme benzylsuccinate synthase (BssABC) and phenylphospate synthase (PpsA1BC) homologous genes involved in the first step of toluene and phenol transformation, respectively. Carbon and hydrogen isotopic fractionation were εbulk, C = - 3.5 ± 0.6 ‰ and εrp, H = - 85 ± 11 ‰, respectively, leading to a dual C-H isotope slope of ΛH/C = 26 ± 2. This value fits with a previously reported value for a consortium dominated by an Azoarcus species (ΛH/C = 19 ± 5) but differs from that reported for Aromatoleum aromaticum (ΛH/C = 14 ± 1), both of which grow with toluene under nitrate-reducing conditions. Overall, this suggests the existence of different BssABC enzymes with different mechanistic motifs even within the same Aromatoleum genus.
Original languageEnglish
Article number124823
Number of pages9
JournalEnvironmental Pollution
Early online date2 Sept 2024
Publication statusEarly online - 2 Sept 2024


  • Aromatoleum
  • Toluene
  • Benzylsuccinate synthase
  • Isotope fractionation
  • Denitrifying bacteria

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