DMA: an algebra for multicriteria spatial modeling

Salem Chakhar, Vincent Mousseau

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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Map algebra is a powerful tool to implement cartographic modeling. Map algebra is now well recognized and most of its functionalities are supported by most of major geographical information systems products. Several extensions have been proposed to the original map algebra through the incorporation of new operators, the support of complex mathematical expressing and formulation, the support of other data types, the support of spatial dynamics modeling, the support of temporal dimension, and the support of visual modeling. On the other hand, spatial problems are inherently of multicriteria nature. However, neither the original map algebra nor its different extensions are able to support multicriteria aspects of spatial problems. This is due essentially to the absence of convenient operators permitting to support multicriteria modeling. The objective
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe First ICA Workshop on Geospatial Analysis and Modeling 8 July 2006, Vienna, Austria
EditorsBin Jiang, Daniel Z. Sui
PublisherThe International Cartographic Association
ISBN (Print)9197494879
Publication statusPublished - 2006


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