Documents describing meta-data for the specified range of digital objects, as well as requirements and design for the browsing system and user interface of the Emulation Framework

Janet Delve, A. Ciuffreda, David Anderson, Dan Pinchbeck, V. Joguin

    Research output: Working paper


    This document portrays the set of requirements and design guidelines for the semantic-based browsing application of the KEEP Emulation Platform. It provides thus the main foundation for the development of this particular application. This tool would enable users to semantically browse and search the entire collection of digital objects stored in the library institution servers by using a newly developed database which would include a rich set of metadata of these objects. The content of this database would be controlled by the same application. The selected objects would be eventually retrieved and rendered via the KEEP EF. Users of this system can be broadly classified in three distinct role types: end users, being the institution users (persons with a non specific background, archive users, computer gamers and researchers), metadata data administrators, individuals who control the content of the metadata database, and system administrators, being the technical operators of the system. Based on first assumptions of the system and of the users’ nature a set of use case scenarios and activity diagrams depicting the main actions were created. These supported the identification of the functional requirements of the system. The entire collection of functional and non functional requirements are then briefly described and listed in groups according to their topic. Each requirement is labelled either as mandatory, desirable, optional or as possible future enhancement. It is important to assert that these requirements should not be regarded as final as they may change in the future, due to the ongoing research activities in this domain. The produced set of scenarios and requirements are then used to create a design draft of the system, where the communication among the different internal and external components for the achievement of the major system functionalities is described. In this design summary the role of each component, being internal or external to the system, is depicted with a focus on the different possible technologies to adopt for interacting with the other components involved in the performance of certain subtasks.
    Original languageEnglish
    PublisherUniversity of Portsmouth
    Number of pages72
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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