Dwelling, landscape, place and making: Jørn Utzon Research Network: a reader

L. Botin, Adrian Carter, Nicola Crowson, M. Hinds, J. Pallasmaa, John Roberts, P. Taylor, Roger Tyrrell

    Research output: Book/ReportBook

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    Welcome to the inaugural Jørn Utzon Research Network (JURN) Spring Workshop and the Third International Utzon Symposium; a tri-partite collaboration between the Utzon Research Center (Aalborg Denmark), l’Ecole Nationale d’Architecture of Rabat, Morocco and JURN. Jørn Utzon, the architect of the world renowned Sydney Opera House, is considered to be of unique international significance as an exemplar of a tectonic and humane modern architecture that is grounded in place, culture, community and that is, in the fullest sense of the term, sustainable. His particular design methodology holds significant potential to inform contemporary theory and practice. The aim of JURN is to instigate and develop a network of corresponding scholars, practitioners and students in diverse geographical locations that either Utzon drew inspiration from, or made projects in. The objective is to develop a range of research questions that will inform and underpin future research projects relating to Utzon’s archive and oeuvre. Utzon designed projects across the international stage; Denmark,Australia, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Morocco, Kuwait, Spain and the UK, provided locations through which his paradigm developed. These diverse locations are represented within the ambitions and structure of JURN. The Third International Symposium will provide a forum for discussion of Utzon’s paradigm led by academics and practitioners providing a diverse perspective of the oeuvre. The inaugural JURN Workshop will provide participants with the opportunity to test Utzon’s approach to making place within the rich and complex cultural and physical context of Morocco, from which Utzon drew significant inspiration.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages75
    ISBN (Print)978861376299
    Publication statusPublished - 2013


    • Utzon
    • Architecture
    • Dwelling
    • Landscape
    • Place
    • Making


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