e-Governance and anti-corruption war in Africa: the Nigeria experience

John Sunday Ojo

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


    The failure of traditional governance model to provide solution to the contemporary challenges in the public sector has elicited the advent of sophisticated technological response that provides a placid environment for digitalizing public administration across the world. The development of ICTs therefore brings transformation in the way and manner of governing the citizens in Africa and the global community. The transition from governance to e-governance has been considered as a veritable instrument in ensuring transparency, accountability and effective service delivery in the public sector. The potency of ICTs as a supporting tool in curbing the pervasiveness of institutional corruption in Africa is acknowledged. Globally, Nigeria is recognized as one of the most corrupt countries in the world, corruption has been a major problem setting-back the advancement of the country. In taming the obnoxious trend, the recent public sector reform championed by the Nigerian government aimed at providing sanctity in the management and utilization of public resources with the application of ICTs geared toward combating corruption has gained momentum. These institutional reforms provide a platform for e-governance in managing public resources for the benefit of the citizenry. Therefore, this chapter provides a critical examination of e-governance model employed in tackling corruption in Nigerian public sector.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicatione-Services
    EditorsSam Goundar
    ISBN (Electronic)9781838807924
    ISBN (Print)9781789855081, 9781838807917
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2021


    • corruption
    • anti-corruption
    • e-governance
    • transparency
    • Africa
    • Nigeria


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