EAP teachers working in, with and through the creative arts: an exploration

Clare Carr, Clare Maxwell, Anna Rolinska, Jennifer Sizer

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter (peer-reviewed)peer-review


In English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP), it is essential to understand context in order to best meet the needs of students and help them to understand the values and practices of their own academic discourse communities. These are already present within departments to be observed and do not need to be artificially recreated. As Maton (2014, p. 12) has observed:

We . . . do not have to . . . attempt by ourselves to recreate what has taken, in the case of ‘academic’ knowledge, thousands of years and even more minds to develop.

Johns (1997, p. 71) advocated that in order to truly understand the values and practices of a discipline, it is necessary to become ‘campus mediators and researchers’, ethnographers who explore texts, contexts and roles. Therefore, building on the foundations of ethnographic work already undertaken in EAP by Swales (1998) and EAP in the creative arts by Riley-Jones (2012), this chapter aims to:

●explore the pedagogies of four EAP practitioners working in creative arts through themes emerging from reflections to gain a better understanding of the intertwining between EAP and creative pedagogies;
●consider the implications of our findings for practitioners working in similar contexts and roles and the broader implications for EAP practice.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationPedagogies in English for Academic Purposes
Subtitle of host publicationTeaching and Learning in International Contexts
EditorsCarole Macdiarmid, Jennifer MacDonald
PublisherBloomsbury Publishing Company
ISBN (Electronic)9781350164826, 9781350164819
ISBN (Print)9781350164802
Publication statusPublished - 12 Aug 2021

Publication series

Name New Perspectives for English for Academic Purposes


  • pedagogy
  • pedagogic innovation
  • higher education
  • creative industries
  • language learning
  • Language learning and teaching
  • academic literacies
  • academic writing
  • genre
  • spaces
  • academic practice


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