Early hospital mortality prediction of intensive care unit patients using an ensemble learning approach

Aya Awad, Mohamed Bader-El-Den, James McNicholas, Jim Briggs

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Background - Mortality prediction of hospitalized patients is an important problem. Over the past few decades, several severity scoring systems and machine learning mortality prediction models have been developed for predicting hospital mortality. By contrast, early mortality prediction for intensive care unit patients remains an open challenge. Most research has focused on severity of illness scoring systems or data mining (DM) models designed for risk estimation at least 24 or 48 hours after ICU admission.

Objectives - This study highlights the main data challenges in early mortality prediction in ICU patients and introduces a new machine learning based framework for Early Mortality Prediction for Intensive Care Unit patients (EMPICU).

Materials and methods
- The proposed method is evaluated on the Multiparameter Intelligent Monitoring in Intensive Care II (MIMIC-II) database. Mortality prediction models are developed for patients at the age of 16 or above in Medical ICU (MICU), Surgical ICU (SICU) or Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit (CSRU). We employ the ensemble learning Random Forest (RF), the predictive Decision Trees (DT), the probabilistic Naive Bayes (NB) and the rule-based Projective Adaptive Resonance Theory (PART) models. The primary outcome was hospital mortality. The explanatory variables included demographic, physiological, vital signs and laboratory test variables. Performance measures were calculated using cross-validated area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUROC) to minimize bias. 11,722 patients with single ICU stays are considered. Only patients at the age of 16 years old and above in Medical ICU (MICU), Surgical ICU (SICU) or Cardiac Surgery Recovery Unit (CSRU) are considered in this study.

- The proposed EMPICU framework outperformed standard scoring systems (SOFA, SAPS-I, APACHE-II, NEWS and qSOFA) in terms of AUROC and time (i.e at 6 hours compared to 48 hours or more after admission).

Discussion and conclusion
- The results show that although there are many values missing in the the first few hour of ICU admission, there is enough signal to effectively predict mortality during the first 6 hours of admission. The proposed framework, in particular the one that uses the ensemble learning approach - EMPICU Random Forest (EMPICU-RF) offers a base to construct an effective and novel mortality prediction model in the early hours of an ICU patient admission, with an improved performance profile.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)185-195
JournalInternational Journal of Medical Informatics
Early online date5 Oct 2017
Publication statusPublished - Dec 2017


  • Intensive care
  • Classification
  • Data Mining
  • Class Imbalance.
  • mortality prediction


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