Edugames4All: learning about your health by gaming

Patty Kostkova, Andreea Molnar

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceOtherpeer-review


    Edugames4all are educational games designed to cover different aspects of the antibiotic and hygiene educational curriculum for 9-15 years old pupils. By integrating elements from a fantasy world and real life, the user can seamlessly learn about important topics such as micro-organisms, useful and harmful microbes, respiratory hygiene, food hygiene, prudent antibiotic use to name just a few. The games submerge the user in different worlds where s/he could be the size of bacteria, or a detective that solves mysterious cases by working with the best agency in problems related to microbes. The demo presentation will showcase the games and allow the participants to play them.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 2011
    EventInternational eHealth Conference - Malaga, Spain
    Duration: 21 Nov 201123 Nov 2011


    ConferenceInternational eHealth Conference


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