Effect of cutting parameters on thrust force, torque, hole quality and dust generation during drilling of GLARE 2B laminates

Imed Boughdiri, Khaled Giasin, Tarek Mabrouki, Redouane Zitoune*

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    The present study investigates the effects of machining parameters and the tool coating during drilling of a GLARE® hybrid aerospace material on the cutting forces, hole quality and the generation of harmful dust particles. The drilling tests were conducted using twist drills with diamond-like carbon (DLC), Cristall coating and without coating. Obtained results indicate that feed, in contrast to spindle speed, has an important effect on thrust force and torque. In addition, when DLC coated tools are used less surface deviation was detected in comparison with uncoated and Cristall coated drills. Moreover, dust measurement in terms of total number of particles, harmful particles and mass particles generated during drilling of GLARE® laminates was investigated. The results reveal that, the number of harmful particles in the air was found to be dependent on machining parameters. In fact, a lower spindle speed promotes the reduction of the number of harmful particles in the air by 50 % compared to that observed at higher spindle speed.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalComposite Structures
    Early online date9 Jan 2021
    Publication statusEarly online - 9 Jan 2021


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