Effect of finishing systems on surface roughness and gloss of full-body bulk-fill resin composites

Gaetano Paolone*, Eugenio Moratti, Cecilia Goracci, Enrico Gherlone, Alessandro Vichi

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    Background: In this study, we assess the effect produced on roughness and gloss of fullbody bulk-fill materials by different finishing and polishing systems. Methods: Four full-body bulkfill materials were tested: SonicFill2 (SF), Filtek Bulk Fill Posterior Restorative (FB), Tetric EvoCeram bulk-fill (EC), and Fill-Up! (FU). Sixty discs per material (2 mm in thickness and 7 mm in diameter) were obtained and randomly assigned (n = 15) to four finishing and polishing methods: Sof-Lex Spiral Wheels (SW), HiLusterPLUS (HL), Astropol (AP), and Opti1Step (OS). Surface roughness and gloss were then measured. Results: For roughness, material and surface treatment were significant factors (p < 0.001) with SF = FB = EC < FU and AP < SW < HL = OS. Material and surface treatment had a significant effect also on gloss (p < 0.001), with SF > FB = EC > FU and SW > AP > HL > OS. Conclusions: The tested combinations of bulk-fill and polishing systems provided clinically acceptable results with regard to roughness, while the outcome was poor for gloss. Multistep finishing/polishing systems were able to produce smoother surfaces on full-body bulk-fill materials compared to simplified ones.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number5657
    Pages (from-to)1-9
    Number of pages9
    Issue number24
    Publication statusPublished - 11 Dec 2020


    • bulk-fill
    • finishing
    • gloss
    • polishing
    • roughness


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